“Bullshit” – “The Family” Amazon Prime miniseries

True story about the first biker gangs in 80ies Copenhagen.
A lot of work went into nailing the look of the 70ies and 80ies. Shooting tests on film, we ended up designing a LUT, based on old 3-strip behaviour, making it rigid and deliberately challenging to work with. To achieve a look, but also to make ourselves commit
on set, as opposed to postponing this to a random grading session.
Grainy and with limited latitude, you could feel the sensor struggling, and introducing some gorgeous noise and contamination, which felt completely appropriate.
Shooting the alexa mini in s16 mode, and old superspeeds wide open, it all contributed
to something that felt loyal to the period, but more importantly, -organic and present.
Deliberately going against current and ever increasing available latitude, resolution and curve range,
it was a welcome challenge to put on ourselves, in a time where so many stops of exposure is
available, and shadow detail is bordering the unreal.